Monday, September 29, 2008

One bailout away

I started feeling pain around noon, the lights started getting a tiny bit brighter, the smells started getting to me. I decided around 1 that it was time to call it a migraine. I still have to take out the trash, and clean out the fridge.

Watching the news and wondering what is going to happen with the bailout. I am some one who is effected because of my medical bills. I spend so much of my monthly income on doctors and medications that I am squeezed out of my other bills. I spend more on medications each month than I do on my mortgage. I keep looking at my medications and wondering which ones I can do without.

One of the reasons I decided to wait to deal with the oncologists until December is because I can take a breather from the excess bills. Each new test was a weeks income out the door. Between co-pay and treatments not covered by my insurance.

Since the test earlier this year showing me to be cancer free my doctor has been doing a second culture from a different part of my uterus. The insurance company does not want to cover the additional test or the second pathology review. So I have to pay that out of pocket. Part of me wants to set up a paypal button or a web page asking for help. I mean people set up web pages asking for help with boob job.

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