Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Scared does not even cover it

When out and got pet food, grabbed some needed groceries also. Nothing big, just the stuff that needs replacing each week. Got to see what the bills are for the month and see how much if any money can be moved into savings. I need to start getting ahead on my bills or I will have nothing for emergencies.

Or doctors bills that the insurance refuses to pay. Got to love my insurance - NOT - I pay a co-pay before I see the doctor. Then the doctor sends a bill to the insurance company. Which gets to decide what to pay based on some formula they refuse to explain. Then the doctors office sends me a bill for the rest. You know I would understand if I could not make my bills because I was a flake who spend lots of money on stupid things. But over half my income goes to medical bills.

Scared does not even cover it.

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