IN no real order, more as they come to me.
The SF tiger attack. - Everything I read about the 3 boys involved gives the impression they are little monsters. I do not expect the two brothers to ever say anything to the media, because some high priced lawyers want to make them out as angels.
I stopped going to zoos a long time ago, because the behavior of the animals on my side of the fence was abhorrent. I wonder if people really think about what they are doing any more. Between parents putting their kids on the fence to take a picture of the big cat stalking them, to the stupid ones who try to entice the animals to attack. I think it was the Bronx zoo that put up a one-way mirror so the animals could no longer see the people. It was because people were teasing and harassing the animals.
Illegal immigrants - I am tired of fighting with people over the rights of illegal immigrants. Coming into the country illegally is a crime. Lets start with that. Yes several hundred years ago, we did not have border controls, and just about anyone could come in. We also did not have electricity or cars. Does anyone want to give those up as well?
I am watching an influx of illegal immigrants destroy this community I love, and there is little to nothing we can do about it. My neighbor with the landscaping business is about to close down; he can’t compete in this market. My good friend who did the excellent work on my home has been scratching for jobs all month. They can’t compete with the like of this guy. What finally got him caught was the use of minors, and not working up to code. I wonder if the feds are going to charge any of the people who hired him to do work on their homes.
The medical profession – I received a letter from my primary care doctor today. She is moving out of the city. She would like to continue having me as a patient, but her new office is over an hour away from my home. So as of the first of the year, I will have to start the search for a new primary care doctor. Dam, doctors is hard to break in.
Language problems - The lack of people around me who speak the same language I do. Which should not be a big problem, since I was born about a mile from where I live.
Back in November, the medical practice I use to go to have let a nurse go so they could hire a new translator. So instead of having a single nurse for every treatment room, the nurses were juggling treatment rooms. I will admit I got pissed at a clinician who took my vitals, she asked me what my primary language was and I said ‘this one’ which led to a stupid exchange as to why I do not speak any other languages. I asked if Elvish or Klingon counted. She had never heard of either. Sadly, but she was offended that I did not plan to learn Spanish, because according to her, how did I expect to get around with out knowing Spanish. Um, because I was born here in this city, and this is the language my family and I speak. Oh she was pissed. Then she wanted me to do the normal patient signoff sheet, but the only one she had was in Spanish! Which I refused to sign, because, I do not speak or read Spanish, I made her go and get the English form. Then I complained to the manager about her.
So my search for a new doctor also means I have to find one who respects my decision to speak English. Who knew this was going to be a problem for me?
The upcoming election – A big part of me thinks that it does not matter who we vote for next year, the real powers to be are the corporations and military complex. Nothing is going to change that. I really do not have to worry about reproductive rights, as I shall never reproduce. I don’t have to worry about much any more, let the world go to hell, and I shall get there first.
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