Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Kelly's Roast Beef is doing a survey,

So I got this email from Kelly's Roast Beef. I love survey's especially ones where I can get something for nothing, well next to nothing. As someone who eats at Kelly's every time company is over I would love some kind of regular dinner card. Something that says hey Kelly's give me a reward for being people here all the time. So that is what I asked for. A reward card program. Filled out the survey, and what a surprise, the coupon is only good at the Natick store! NOW when do I go out to Natick, and why would I stop at that Kelly's Roast Beef? So I am sharing the email, and link with all of you. Sign up for the email list, and take the survey, tell them you want a rewards club, and that the discount should be good in Revere Beach.

Poopie heads...

Hi Kelly's Roast Beef Fan,

We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to eating out.
In our quest to enhance the offerings at Kelly's, we'd like to get your valuable feedback.
Please take a few minutes to complete our short survey.
We'll even give you $3 towards your next food purchase at Kelly's as a thank you for doing so. - Coupon is only good at Natick store. Does nothing for me.

Click here to take our survey or copy and paste the following link into your browser: You have to sign up for the Kelly's Roast Beef email list to get the survey. But 3 dollars is 3 dollars.

Kellys Roast Beef

Thanks, and we're looking forward to receiving your feedback!

Just the fur, no beach

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