Thursday, September 17, 2009

You have to love the wank that is Readercon

On days like today when I don't feel well. And, have not felt well for several days running I ask the internet to entertain me. Really entertain me. I started wandering around tv tropes for a while. Then jumped to a web site I have ignored for to long. Fandom wank I do so love you, but my love is one of a lurker. Always along the side of the internet laughing, but never going so far as to trip a single troll. I started to wander about the readercon 2010 wank, and really got into searching up and down every thread. readercon 2010

It made me realize something.

Since I returned to Boston I have been attending Readercon. I have been trying to volunteer for Readercon. To do any little thing I could do. That thing would be nothing, no one from Readercon has ever responded to my emails, or even walking up to the desk and saying "What can I do to help?"

Odd to, since I have a bit of an in. Three of the people on the con com are people I know from my time doing apazines. The late and lamented only by me Tapadance. Two of those three people are RL friends, and both claim to have vouched for me to the powers that be

But, I never got in. Well after reading all the fun and games above I finally figured out why I will never ever cross the line and join Readercon. Two reasons really. The first, I'm a townie, a person born and bred in the Boston area. East of 495 and everything, which makes me less a person than those people who 'moved here' And most importantly, I went to a state college!

Yes the horrors, I went to public school! Public university! I have community college credits. Why I should dare say that know this, Readercon might not even let me sign up next year.

I did do very well on my SATS, never applied for Grad school, so I don't have any other academic numbers to wave about. I like to thing Central Connecticut State University is a good school, safety school though it might be. Do academic awards, from business organization count for anything?


  1. Not one thing wrong with going through public school, then on to public community colleges. Especially in the area you are in. Many moons ago I lived on crowell street. Seems forever ago!! Thanks for having me on your blog. I've subscribed to your reader. Perhaps you could add a gadget which makes it easier for others to follow along? :) I will now that I have you checked. Tammy

  2. I have a small widget at the top left of the page where you can follow me as a fan, as a follow or on RSS.


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